COVID-19 Statement
ARA Health Specialists is committed to supporting our community. The safety and well-being of our patients and team members remains our top priority. We remain open with operational changes that will allow us to see and treat more patients in need of diagnostic imaging.
If your appointment was rescheduled as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, you will receive a call from Mission Health to reschedule your appointment. If you miss this call, and would like to contact a scheduler directly, please call 828 213-XRAY (9729).
We continue to follow the CDC’s guidelines in response to the virus and are taking all necessary steps to mitigate potential exposure and risks. These precautions include but are not limited to:
1. Emphasis on pre-registration processes. Please be aware this call will likely come from a Mission Health phone number.
2. Symptom screening at the door including temperature checks
3. Masks for all patients and staff
4. Appropriate social distancing and removal of high touch items in waiting areas
5. Clinicians will wear personal protective equipment
6. Disinfecting treatment in patient areas after each patient encounter
7. Disinfecting high touch areas throughout the clinic and office space
8. Lengthening appointment times to allow for extra cleaning of equipment
9. Altering schedule to prevent crowding in waiting areas
10. Rearranging waiting areas to allow for social distancing
11. Active monitoring of waiting areas to prevent/address crowding
We remain vigilant in our oversight and continue to take proactive measures to en sure the safety of those we serve. We are here to serve and to continue our legacy of providing compassionate, quality medical care.
Thank you for your patience and we look forward to seeing you soon.